'717days' is a hauntingly evocative documentary of the mysterious world of Yotsuya Simon's art, which comes to life through an exhibition held at an abandoned hospital in Ehime, West Japan. The exhibition, which ran for an impressive 717 days, showcased fifteen meticulously crafted ball-jointed dolls, each placed in various eerie settings within the hospital. Visitors encountered surreal scenes such as an anatomical boy in an operating room and a man incarcerated in a ward, each installation deepening the unsettling yet mesmerizing atmosphere. Simon's work, known for its meticulous detail and haunting beauty, transformed the desolate hospital into a space of reflection and intrigue, exploring themes of anatomy, confinement, and the human condition.
Format: Paperback
Size: 15 x 19 cm
Pages: 192
Condition: Great
Areas of Interest
This book caters to readers with an interest in the following genres:
Art Photography
Documentary Photography
Fashion Photography
Still Life Photography
Erotic & Nude Photography