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The Gem Kingdom by Paul E Desaulets (1971)

“Gems have been alluring to men throughout history. They are prized for their rarity and the matchless beauty that proceeds from their inherently noble traits. The riches of this book are revealed in sumptuous illustrations ant a text that embraces both the science and romance of gems. How gems were first taken from the Earth. Endowed with mystical and curative powers, converted and revered through the ages, is all part of this fascinating narrative by Paul E. Desautels, curator of gems and minerals for the Smithsonian Institution... “
Format: Hardback & Paperback
Size: 22 x 27.5 cm
Pages: 248
Condition: Fair
Areas of Interest
Jewellery Design
Mysteries & Magic
Nature & Environment
Product Photography
“Gems have been alluring to men throughout history. They are prized for their rarity and the matchless beauty that proceeds from their inherently noble traits. The riches of this book are revealed in sumptuous illustrations ant a text that embraces both the science and romance of gems. How gems were first taken from the Earth. Endowed with mystical and curative powers, converted and revered through the ages, is all part of this fascinating narrative by Paul E. Desautels, curator of gems and minerals for the Smithsonian Institution... “
Format: Hardback & Paperback
Size: 22 x 27.5 cm
Pages: 248
Condition: Fair
Areas of Interest
Jewellery Design
Mysteries & Magic
Nature & Environment
Product Photography