Vogue Italia, September 1997, is renowned for its innovative and artistic approach to fashion journalism. This particular issue stands out for its bold editorial choices and high-fashion spreads, under the creative direction of the legendary Franca Sozzani. Known for pushing boundaries, Sozzani's Vogue Italia often merged fashion with art, politics, and social commentary, making each issue a collector's item. This issue, like many others from Sozzani's tenure, is a testament to Vogue Italia's reputation for setting trends rather than following them, and for its commitment to presenting fashion as a form of art and cultural expression.
Format: Magazine
Size: 24 x 32cm
Pages: 398
Condition: Good (Slight wear to the cover but all pages are fully in tact)
Areas of Interest
This magazine features work and appearances by:
Steven Meisel
Peter Lindbergh
Maggie Rizzer
Naomi Campbell
Ellen Von Unwerth
Gianni Versace
Another Kind Book Club
Scans of all editorial content from this magazine is available for research and inspiration via the 'Another Kind Book Club' patreon page. Delve into exclusive visual content, references, and ideas from this collectors issue. Click here to discover more.